Reasons to learn C and C++.

     Many people entered the programming world by learning C or C++. We should learn the C programming course. Still, many of them forget to keep learning and mastering these languages well because they feel difficulty handling low-level programming elements such as pointers, address alignment, memory storage, templates, multi-thread data races, and expansion.

  Rarely used in modern application development.

               Nowadays, We can see that we have many advanced programming languages like Python, Javascript, Java, etc., for application development, and it seems insane if someone wanted to develop a Web application or backend service in pure C/C++. 

 Master other advanced programming languages faster

        C/C++ builds the modern programming languages. Here are some simple examples:

        1.Java: The core of Java is implemented in C++.

        2. Python is implemented in C.

        3. Javascript: The most popular JavaScript basic is implemented in C++.

        If We know just the syntax of programming and the basic of the language well, it doesn’t mean we are well known in the programming language. Knowing the all basic theory behind the languages can help you develop the applications in the language more effectively, which then means you truly mastered the language. To learn this Morden language, we must understand these essential C and C++.

 Bring performance


When we concerned with advanced programming languages, we mainly focus on the implementation of functionalities..

           If we know C/C++ enough, then it will give better performance because we know how these advanced programming languages run at their lowest level. We will discover the issue faster, which may be performance delay, cache misses, the expensive CPU instructions and find the solution for it.


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